How to read people just like Sherlock Holmes. From: Barking up the Wrong Tree: Wouldn’t it be great to be able to just look at someone and tell what they’re really like? Sherlock Holmes does this all the time and … Continue reading
Category Archives: Creativity
Is a worm conscious? How about a bumblebee? Does a computer that can play chess “feel” anything? To Christof Koch, chief scientific officer of the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle, the answer to these questions may lie in … Continue reading
Every Scrabble player worth her salt (4 points) knows the value of two-letter words. Those little terms can really get you out of a jam (12) and block out your opponent. Scrabble Dictionary Gets 5,000 New Words, Including “Chillax,” “Dubstep” … Continue reading
University of Rochester researchers have developed — take a breath — a “three-dimensional, transmitting, continuously multidirectional cloaking” device. Harry Potter Is Fiction, but Invisibility Cloak(ing Device)s Are Real … Continue reading
Airline passengers who have had their fill of cabin noise and rowdy seat mates, who may be the worse for drink, could soon enjoy an invisible bubble of silence around their personal space. The Invisible Bubble of Silence Travelers Have … Continue reading
The English language is constantly evolving. To some, however, that “evolution” might seem more like a speedy descent to becoming a hot mess — a phrase that, by the way, no longer needs to be put in quotes, because it … Continue reading
The new supervisor thought his idea was innocent enough. He wanted the baristas to write the names of customers on their cups to speed up lines and ease confusion, just like other Starbucks do around the world. But these … Continue reading
Anyone who uses the Internet will recognize that ubiquitous expression. “I can’t even” gives the sense that one is overwhelmed with emotion, unable to handle the situation he’s facing. The Evolution of Internet Speak … Continue reading
Very ingenious – putting fake houses and roads on the roof of the big Boeing factory in Seattle so that it was not visible from the air: (Photos taken at the brilliant Seattle Museum of History and Industry. How a … Continue reading
From viral fame to litigation. Who, indeed, owns the monkey selfie? Because, lawyers. Is the photographer inflating his role in the photos, or did the monkey take the glamor shots on his own, without any prompting from the human? Does … Continue reading